Did you know that the global market size of workflow automation software is expected to grow to $9.87 bn by 2021?

Like it or not, remote work culture is today’s new norm. The old school practices of Business Process Management (BPM) no longer work. Obsolete systems are a goodbye when it comes to advanced project management. And, the manual workflows over email are so confusing as they lack tracking, reporting, and managing.

This is where workflow automation apps fit in.

Workflow automation improves business productivity. If you are not leveraging automated workflows in your business, you need to think again.

According to the McKinsey report, 45% of the current paid activities can be automated that equates to nearly $2 trillion of total wages. Click To TweetThe good news is, brands that have adopted automated workflows have already started witnessing KPIs from good to great!

Workflow Automation: Some Interesting Facts to Know

Business process automation

Stats don’t lie. There are numerous studies that show why businesses should use custom workflow automation tools.

According to studies:

  • 40% of productivity is lost to task-switching at the workplace. Lost productivity and poorly managed leads cost at least $1 trillion a year.
  • 73% of customer support professionals find that time management and workload are the biggest issues in customer support.

What Do These Numbers Mean to Your Business?

Attention CEOs, VPs, CMOs, and executives! You might have skilled and talented employees for day-to-day work. But, you might still be spending most of your time approving requests, reimbursement tasks, document signing, administrative tasks, and others.

Seriously, a critical waste of managerial time. Isn’t it? And, the result? Disruptions to workflow processes missed timelines & sales, and ultimately business loss.

Ah, all that effort could have been spent way better! If only there was an automation tool to the rescue…

Relax! How about a workflow automation application — a productivity app that spans across every aspect of business workflow and helps to do more with less?

The workflow automation app is designed to automate everyday tasks while creating a cohesive work environment like never before! Let’s dive into the details.

Workflow Automation App – What’s In There?

A workflow automation application is an automated program to set up, execute, monitor, and track everyday tasks. It keeps track of files and ensures a follow-up of pending tasks in a time-sensitive and accurate manner.

It integrates several key functionalities across multiple apps into a centralized user interface. It synchronizes different processes and lets the users automate multiple business processes as part of their daily routines.

For example, with customized process automation platform, you can automate different tasks such as:

  • Creating expense reports
  • Purchase orders
  • On-boarding
  • Time-off requests

You can even automate the task of creating workflows for new employees.

All of these without any manpower!

Workflow automation explained

Choosing the Right Workflow Automation App – Key Features

So, how to choose the right workflow automation application for your business?

As a business leader, you might already be juggling many priorities. Therefore, you might be easily overwhelmed with the sheer complexity of multi-tasking workflows or distributed workforce.

Every business seeks the best workflow app, one that’s intuitive, tailored to specific users, and improves accuracy across all aspects as much as possible. And, there are several workflow automation tools available in the marketplace to choose from.

Each tool and its unique workflow application design, capabilities, and functions vary based on different sets of actions, deployment, or processes. Hence, it’s crucial to determine the workflow software features that best suit your business needs.

To help you, here are the top 10 features listed before you take your pick.

1. Code-free Workflow Design

If you don’t like coding and advanced programming in workflow automation app, not to worry! Most of the automation platforms are code-free. They use fewer codes to create workflow designs to automate complex processes faster.

An agile, code-free business workflow automation tool would support real-world workflows with intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces.

This not only frees up your time but also saves you all the hassle to add and update the workflows by designing complex work processes in the background.

2. Integration-centric App

One of the best features to look for in a workflow automation tool is integration. The integration of different systems into the process model reduces manual work by more than 80%.

A workflow automation platform should allow integration with different CRM, Google Spreadsheets, QuickBooks, SAP, ZenDesk, and SalesForce. You can also integrate web services that can seamlessly link together several elements such as cash-flows, calendars, sales reports, cash-flows, and contact details. This will make your path of effective workflow smooth, quick, and efficient.

3. Cloud-Based Technology

Is your workflow app cloud-hosted? A cloud-based workflow automation app ensures 24×7 accessibility across multiple platforms. You won’t need to install any additional hardware thus facilitating a smooth transition of work.

Regardless of where your employees are, cloud-enabled technology rules out any machine dependency to host your workflow library. If your system is using a cloud save feature, your data is always accessible even when the system’s servers go down!

Your employee can easily access their process, no matter where they are or when they are working. Another advantage of cloud-based tools is affordability. Cloud-based workflow automation tools aren’t expensive compared to other business tools.

4. Customized Access Control

Customized access control is indispensable when it comes to data security. Check if your workflow app supports role-based access control.

Any automation platform should allow you to customize the user’s access control, authentication to protect, edit, or view sensitive data. It’s obvious. Vet out your vendor’s SLA to learn about the security policies, framework, and capability.

5. KPI Dashboards

As a business owner, you must have set your short-term and long-term goals. How would you know if your employees are consistent, underperforming, or achieving these goals?

Thanks to the inbuilt KPI dashboards. Now, you can leave all the legwork of tracking and monitoring your employees on the workflow automation platform. It can track the success levels of your employees’ progress using various types of Key Performance Indicators.

KPI tracking can also help with automating project workflow and tracking its progress or deadline in real-time. With workflow analytics, you can have more control over your projects. Game-changing! Isn’t it?

6. Transparent Pricing

Top-rated workflow automation tools have transparent pricing models. When you choose a workflow automation tool for your business, make sure you check the pricing.

Most of the SaaS-based tools operate on a pay-as-you-go model which means you only pay for what you use. You can also go for a risk-free trial before spending your money on a workflow automation app.

Examples of the Best Workflow Automation Apps

Workflow automation examples

Some of the top workflow automation tools in 2020 are:

1. ProcessMaker

ProcessMaker is an open-source enterprise Business Process Management tool. It automates approval-driven workflows and streamlines the information flow between data and systems.

Featuring a drag-and-drop interface, the tool depicts processes that help users to run, report, optimize, and build custom workflows within the dashboard.

2. Nintex

Also known as one of the top-rated workflow management tools, this automation tool allows you to streamline day-to-day business processes. You can integrate content, automate collaboration, or use it as a content management platform.

Using Nintex’s easy-to-use dashboard, you can easily create workflows, process maps, documents, and forms.

3. Fluix

Fluix is a B2B automation platform that streamlines the document management processes, automates current workflows, and tracks your team activity.

It automates the field team’s current workflows while eliminating paper-based processes through a single window. This dramatically saves time, reduces human error, and cycle times while increasing productivity.

4. Zapier

Zapier is an app automation tool that connects various web applications, automates IT workflows, and optimizes task flow processes. It also helps to seamlessly integrate Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn into your CRM account.

With Zapier automation power, you can connect to other apps such as Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Box, Xero, and Stripe and manage everything in one centralized place. This way, you can share effective workflows with your team members on the go.

Build A Custom Workflow Automation Platform with Imaginovation

Every business is unique. Therefore, it’s important to develop custom workflow automation tool based on your business needs.

We, at Imaginovation, develop custom workflow automation tools to help businesses save time and improve productivity. If you’re looking to automate the manual processes at your workplace, get in touch with us now.

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Michael Georgiou

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best workflow automation tools?
What are the key features of the workflow automation platforms?
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