Application Maintenance and Support

Enhance your web or mobile application's performance and reliability with our expert app maintenance services.

Enhancing Your App's Performance and Stability with Expert Maintenance

At Imaginovation, our application maintenance services extend beyond just routine updates. We specialize in enhancing app performance and stability, utilizing state-of-the-art tools and methodologies.

Our team delivers impactful maintenance and support solutions, ensuring your application exceeds user expectations with every update.

Our Services

If you’re looking to maintain an application from its inception to excellence, look no further. Whether it's integration with web services, data migration, strategic upgrades, or training, we ensure every aspect of your application is optimized for peak performance. Our application maintenance services include:

Mobile App Maintenance and Support

Improve mobile app uptime, support larger user bases, optimize server performance, and ensure smooth integration while improving UX/UI and meeting regulatory standards.

Web Application Maintenance

Our web app maintenance services include testing and debugging, timely site updates, database maintenance, and proactive real-time monitoring and analysis. We adhere to Service Level Agreement (SLA) guidelines for reliability and top-notch delivery.

Code Refactoring

We rebuild existing code to improve functionalities, eliminate programming redundancies, streamline class designs, and optimize API implementations. We excel in refactoring simple servlet services like RESTful and SOAP into efficient microservices.

Performance Optimization

Experience peak performance with our continuous testing and optimization services. We identify performance bottlenecks and UX drawbacks, optimize resource utilization and code quality, and fine-tune algorithms to reduce load times.

Security and Compliance Updates

We address security vulnerabilities, implement encryption, and ensure compliance. With regular updates and testing, we protect your app from emerging threats.

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Types of App Maintenance and Support Services

Explore the various types of application maintenance and support services we offer, expertly crafted to address your unique technological challenges.

Technical Debt Reduction

We strategically tackle your technical debt, updating the codebase to improve efficiency and future scalability, reducing the long-term costs of legacy system issues.

Corrective Maintenance

This service focuses on identifying and fixing software bugs, errors, and other issues post-deployment to ensure reliable and error-free application performance.

Adaptive Maintenance

We ensure your application stays relevant and functional amidst changing technological and business environments, such as adapting to new operating systems, hardware, and external system integrations.

Preventive Maintenance

Proactive in approach, this service involves updating and refining the software to prevent future problems, enhance stability, and reduce the likelihood of unexpected failures.

Perfective Maintenance

Centered on feature enhancement and user experience improvement, we continuously refine and upgrade your application to align with evolving user needs and preferences.

Documentation and Knowledge Transfer

We provide comprehensive documentation and facilitate knowledge transfer, ensuring your team has a thorough understanding of the application and its maintenance processes for smooth operations.

Our Approach to Application Maintenance

Our strategic six-stage process is designed to manage the intricacies of app maintenance. Here’s how we align our approach with your goals:



We begin by deeply understanding your business objectives and the specific challenges of your app. This ensures that our maintenance solutions are perfectly in tune with your goals.



Our team crafts a customized app maintenance strategy, focusing on creating robust, scalable, and secure solutions tailored to your unique app requirements.


Development & Integration

We meticulously execute maintenance tasks and seamlessly integrate updates into your existing app infrastructure, aiming for minimal disruption and enhanced efficiency.

QA and Testing

QA and Training

Extensive testing is conducted to ensure the reliability and security of our updated solutions. We complement this with comprehensive training for your team to manage new app features and updates effectively.

Bug Support and Hosting

Ongoing Support

Our commitment includes continuous support and regular performance evaluations. We ensure that our software maintenance services consistently deliver the expected results and keep your app at its peak performance.

Kick-Off Your App Maintenance Journey

Ready to elevate your app's performance and user experience?

At Imaginovation, we're dedicated to providing top-tier software maintenance services. Partnering with us means you'll benefit from:

Fast, Responsive Communication


Fast, Responsive Communication

Our app maintenance experts are always available to discuss your specific app needs, answer queries, and keep you updated at each step, ensuring a seamless and collaborative partnership.

Dedicated Team


Dedicated Team

We assign a specialized team exclusively to your app maintenance project, ensuring consistent expertise and a focused approach from start to finish.

Agile Approaches from A to Z


Agile Approaches from A to Z

Utilizing Agile methodologies, we swiftly adapt to the evolving maintenance needs of your app, guaranteeing that our strategies and solutions always align with your app's requirements.

Transparent, Collaborative Processes


Transparent, Collaborative Processes

Acting as an integral part of your team, we involve you in every decision and process. This approach ensures complete transparency and allows you to steer the direction of the app maintenance project.

Our Thinking in Action

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does your app maintenance service include?
2. How do you ensure the security of our app during maintenance?
3. Can you handle maintenance for both iOS and Android platforms?
4. How do you approach performance optimization in app maintenance?
5. What is your process for addressing and implementing user feedback in-app updates?
6. How frequently do you provide updates and reports on the maintenance progress?
7. What makes your app maintenance services different from other providers?
8. How do you handle emergency issues or unexpected app downtime?
9. Can you provide maintenance for apps with complex integrations or advanced features like AR or AI?